Monday, April 1, 2013

Edgar Ross
Red Dead Redemption
Evil Factor: Kidnaps John's family to force him to hunt down his former gang. Despite promising to leave him in peace he eventually returns, overruns John's farm and ultimately kills John and Uncle
Insane Factor: Overly dedicated to the elimination of crime in the West and to fulfill Manifest Destiny and for whatever reason, uses a retired criminal to do so.
Powers: Ultimate Laziness; tasked with the elimination of crime in the West, rather than actually doing it himself or with a police force, kidnaps an innocent woman and adolescent to force a retired bank robber to do it for him. Super mustache powers.
Occupation: FBI Agent

Description: Edgar Ross is the primary antagonist in Red Dead Redemption. While he doesn't appear until late in the game, in the short time you know him he proves to be a gigantic asshole. Not only is he deceitful, sardonic and annoyingly sarcastic, he kidnaps John's family to bring him out of retirement to hunt down the most dangerous criminals in the West by himself with nothing more than a revolver. He couldn't even be bothered to give you some ammo, a more efficient weapon or even a simple "good luck John." The guy is rude as hell seeing as how whenever he is around he either finds some way to insult you or makes a sarcastic remark about how he has your family in captivity. When he isn't being some FBI douchebag he pimps for that pathetic secretary "yes-man" Fordham that follows him everywhere, never once questioning his methods. He strongly advocates federalism and even admits to his own hypocrisy, saying his actions, while hypocritical are necessary. He eventually allows John to go free to be with his family, but a little while later betrays you. Through a climactic battle, John, Jack and Uncle cut down many of the U.S. Army that attacks their farm, eventually killing Uncle, forcing Jack and Abigail to retreat, leaving John alone to kill as many as he can until a large amount of soldiers and FBI agents  shoot him a ridiculous amount of times bringing a poetic ending to John's life, finally achieving redemption, ensuring his family's safety at the cost of his life. Jack eventually hunted Ross down a few years later. He showed no remorse for John's death, claiming "We all eventually pay for what we've done Marston." He fulfills this quote in that Jack than proceeds to shoot him multiple times. Ross is a complete asshole though makes up for it in a super amazing mustache and a poetic end.
The Godfather


Good for Jack, putting down that book and picking up a gun

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