Monday, April 1, 2013

Arthas Menethil
Warcraft III, World of Warcraft, Arthas Rise of the Lich King (book)
Evil: Killed entire nations worth of people, annihilated Lordaeron and Quel'thalas, controls the Scourge, kills the people that he once tried to protect, destroyed the Knights of the Silver Hand, was completely involved with bringing Archimonde back into the world, killed countless people in Dalaran, and many other atrocities
Insanity: Overly devoted, willing to use any measures to fulfill his goals and is eventually corrupted by said measures and destroys everything he previously cared for.
Powers: Control over the dead and an incredible ability to make them
Occupation: Former Prince, Former Paladin, Death Knight, Host of Ner'zhul

Description: Arthas Menethil started as a beloved prince of the kingdom of Lordaeron, serving as a paladin of the Silver Hand and being a seemingly competent general against the Blackrock Orcs. He had a seemingly ordinary royal childhood but occasionally tried to be of ordinary descent, affiliating himself with mere peasants. He fell in love at a very young age with a slightly older girl, Jaina Proudmoore, a studying mage in the Kirin Tor. He was friends with her for many years before actually beginning to court her and eventually began tappin' it. He broke up with her shortly before Warcraft III in fear they were going to fast. He was also friends with Varian Wrynn at a younger age. He is soon faced with an enemy the likes of which no one has ever seen, the Undead Scourge. As a child, he was trained by Muradin Bronzebeard, a friend he would later seemingly allow to be killed so he could obtain the sword Frostmourne, which later corrupted him and caused him to be a pawn of the than Lich King, Ner'zhul. In a desperate attempt to save his people and kill the Dreadlord responsible for his home's destruction, he took the Frostmourne, ignoring the impending curse it would give him. He returned home and shortly after killed dear old dad the king, and massacred the capital city of Lordaeron. He was tasked with resurrecting a fallen necromancer who would bring the Burning Legion into the world of Azeroth again and in the process, betrayed his mentor and the Silver Hand, his girl friend who went to another continent just to escape him and betrayed everyone he swore to protect, which meant killing everyone North of Khaz Modan. He later would flee back to Northrend where he got Frostmourne after the Legion was defeated, whilst his powers were diminishing. He fought off the forces of Illidan, whom he later badly wounded in a poorly animated fight scene to save his master, Ner'zhul. He than equipped Ner'zhul's armor and crown, bringing him and his master together as one person and sat frozen in place for about the next 14 years. He awoke at the beginning of Wrath of the Lich, after dominating Ner'zhul and becoming the predominant personality and began a very convoluted plan. He attacked Stormwind, Orgrimmar, the Scarlet Crusade and The Argent Dawn to incite them into attacking his stronghold in Northrend, using a new generation Death Knight on the latter two, later betraying them in an attack very similar to the final battle of 300 to lure out Highlord Tirion Fordring, marking the beginning of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. They invaded Northrend and tore through Arthas' forces and eventually, came to Icecrown Citadel, his fortress. This was all a trick however. By having all of Azeroth's greatest champions weed out his weaker lieutenants and attack him, he would have the chance to kill them and raise them as his own, greater champions. Unfortunately for him, Tirion breaks free and shatters Frostmourne, freeing the spirits of Arthas' victims, allowing the them to tear him apart whilst the revived champions finished him off. He dies after once more seeing his father and is later replaced as lich king by Bolivar Fordragon, a victim of the Angrathar incident, who would take power to ensure the temperance of the Scourge, to keep them under control, at least somewhat. Arthas is one of the final bosses of what I consider to be WoW's greatest expansion and has played his hand in a huge part of the lore and also proves to be a cunning strategist and brutal warrior and is my favorite World of Warcraft villain.
The Godfather
Intro to Wrath of the Lich King
Death and reappointing of the Lich King
See what I mean? This was so anti-climatic
The battle of the Angrathar Wrathgate and death of Bolivar Fordragon

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