Monday, April 1, 2013

Dr. Zomboss
Plants vs. Zombies
Evil Factor: Wants to be the supreme leader of the world after having his minions eat your brains
Insanity Factor: He is a zombie, studies Thanatology; the study of death, evil zombie genius
Powers: Most intelligent zombie in PvZ, can be a formidable foe if he uses the tricks up his sleeve
Occupation: Thanatologist
Description: Little is known about Zomboss other than what is said in the Almanac description of him which his goals are clear: he wants to kill the resisting human (the player) who has fought off many hordes by the time he shows up and like previous boss levels, he sends the player a letter demanding surrender, except in a more intellectual way. Zomboss is by no means easy, especially when he can level a large chunk of your defense with an RV while a Gargantaur is on his way (always happens to me). His theme song is Brainiac Maniac which goes rather well with him. Personally I thought the fight with him was epic because when I saw the lower part of the robot step onto the roof, I knew shit just got real, it got more real when I heard his theme song for the first time. The two plants that are vital to surviving the transitions are the Jalapeño and the Ice-shroom. If you fight him, you'll figure out real quick why you need these two, but if you have extra Ice-shroom's use them before the transition ends so that you can get extra damage on him. When defeated, Zomboss' robot, Zombot blows up and the head falls off and Zomboss slumps down defeated, raising the white flag in surrender. Sure Plants vs. Zombies is a silly game, but I like my games to have some humor to them, plus I do enjoy the strategy required in tower defense games, but I can't wait for Garden Warfare where you can play as the plants and shoot up zombies. I don't have enough information about Zomboss to give an accurate opinionated statement, but the fight was just epic in my opinion no matter how goofy the game was. Also notice how you can almost see his brain and how psychotic he looks, for a zombie to build that robot, you know he is a genius.

Dr. Evil

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