Monday, April 1, 2013

Arl Rendon Howe
Dragon Age: Origins
Evil: Greedy, conniving, backstabber, incredibly disloyal
Insanity: Narcissist, Deceptive Incredibly selfish and greedy
Powers: Deceitful, Very talented Cheater
Occupation: Arl of Amaranthine, Right Hand of Teyrn Loghain and Ferelden General

Description: Arl Howe years before the blight was a beloved ruler and hero of the Orlesian wars. He was good friends with Teyrn Cousland (your father if you choose to be human) for much of their lives and fought alongside him against the neighboring kingdom of Orlais. This did not stop him, however, from invading your castle in the middle of the night when your army has already left to engage the darkspawn. He later becomes Loghain's right hand after he betrays the king during the Battle of the Ostagar which leads to the death of his army, many of the Grey Wardens and Duncan. They both than frame the Grey Wardens for the King's death, making operating throughout Ferelden to stop the Blight much more difficult. Arl Howe proves to be incredibly greedy, as he betrays his life long friend just to gain the power and property he THOUGHT he deserved and aligns as Loghain's right hand merely to further his goals. When you finally are able to confront him, he refuses to admit any wrong in his actions and actually seems to believe what he did was completely justified, even if you are playing a human which effectively means he just slaughtered your family. Even in his death, he continues in his narcissism with his final words "Maker spit on you... I... deserved... more..." Now if that isn't a perfect description of a Class-A narcissist than that term should be completely devalued. Another atrocity he committed was the massacre of Denerim's Elven Alienage. He kills them after the assassination of his son which also sort of makes him a racist, along with many other people in Ferelden, since Elves are treated as second-class citizens. He bears resemblance and similarities to British Generals William Howe and Banastare Tarlington from the revolutionary war, the latter of which he looks very similar to. Both of these men, Tarlington especially, had a reputation for having little mercy on his enemies, even those who had surrendered. Overall Howe was a greedy asshole who places his own material gains over the lives of his most loyal friend and who thinks so highly of himself that he believes every one of his misdeeds is justified. He is a perfect case of a narcissistic villain who is evil mostly due to that they feel they deserve more than they have, second only to Rodrigo Borgia, the Pope from Assassin's Creed II who felt he could conquer God.

The Godfather

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