Monday, April 1, 2013

Spiderman 2 (the game not the movie)
Evil Factor: In my opinion he is relatively harmless besides his robots and bombs
Insanity Factor: Obsessed with defeating Spiderman
Powers: Illusionist
Occupation: Criminal, Illusionist, apparently an actor

Description: Of all the dumbass bosses I have seen in my life, Mysterio sure takes the cake, I mean seriously at first he poses as a threat to the city and makes use of deadly flying robots - and is later confronted while robbing a DVD store where the clerk doesn't even realize he is being robbed. Despite the fact that he has a fancy and almost intimidating health bar that changes color as it increases like most bosses in the original Kingdom Hearts, Mysterio's fight lacks one major detail: the actual fight.... You can just stand there for several minutes, listening to his rambles and he will do nothing... No matter how long you wait the cops still don't show up as usual. Of all the arrogant bastards I have put up with, this guy doesn't even have the nerve to throw a single punch, he just stands there flailing his arms about almost as if he wants you to punch him - and that is all it takes to beat him - one freaking punch. Before this game I thought Gnasty Gnorc was one of the biggest losers in gaming until this joker showed up. Needless to say, the Spiderman 2 game was among the better PS2 games that I have played. To me though his flying robots are the second weakest super villain minion in the game. After you 'fight' him, his fishbowl flies off his head and it is revealed that he is that dumbass actor from earlier Quentin Beck - you know that guy from the stadium where you had to hurl helpless convicts into a pit to score points. I have yet to decide whether or not this was an actual boss fight since he has a health bar - he rivals the main antagonist from Fable 2 in that both of them will not fight and die to a single attack. The only difference is that you could expect this kind of behavior since he never actually showed up to any of his crime scenes. The antagonist from Fable 2 was anti-climactic because of his actions through the game, however, with him you need do nothing, if you wait long enough someone else will kill you for him.
Dr. Evil & The Godfather

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