Monday, April 1, 2013

Guitar Hero III
Evil Factor: Wants to steal your bands souls, very devil-like
Insanity Factor: Collects souls, cons idiotic bands into signing contracts giving him their souls
Power: Steals souls, superior guitar player, some demon tricks
Occupation: Devil of Rock, possibly Lucifer (the Devil) himself

Description: I'll admit I liked Guitar Hero III way more than Rock Band, solely because of the guitar battles and also because I did not like most of the Rock Band music anyway. Lou was the sinister-looking band manager after the band played at Mitch's and tricked them into signing away their souls. It isn't until after the Kaiju performance that he revealed himself. He is the third and last guitar battle in the game, but this also makes him the hardest of the previous two combined on any difficulty. His song is The Devil Went Down to Georgia, which was originally a country song but in the game, they remade it and it suited the fight very well, albeit the lyrics towards the end get a little if not very weird since it isn't a country song anymore in the game version. Lou will show absolutely no mercy upon you, so you have to save up your power ups and use them all at once and hope he messes up big time because it is doubtful that using only one power up at a time will beat him. If you take too long to beat him, you will stop receiving any notes and unless you have the power ups to screw him over, your done for, he just doesn't stop with a "ha ha you LOSE!" no he ensures that you KNOW that you lost with a crazy assed solo, proving that not only is he a conniving douche but he is also a jackass. He may not have any voice in the game, but he doesn't need one to show how evil he is, his very appearance says it all.
Victory without cheats/hacks/bots
Victory with cheats/hacks/bots and includes the death drain solo as well as the victory solo
Dr. Evil & The Godfather

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