Monday, April 1, 2013

Kefka Palazzo
Final Fantasy
Evil Factor: Murders comrades, minions, and is extremely sadistic towards his enemies
Insanity Factor: He is crazy in every sense of the word and every fashion possible, Thus far the craziest villain on our list, absolutely no regard for human life, not at all remorseful, lives for destruction and murder, also is there such a thing as being beyond insane?
Powers: Powerful Magic
Occupation: Looks like a Jester but is Emperor Gestahl's right-hand man, Destroyer of Everything and Anything, hopes to be the Obliterator of Existence

Description: By far Kefka has got to be one of the most crazy videogame villains that I am aware of, and is one of the craziest people on our list so far. He has a disturbingly wide grin on his face similar to the Joker, but those not familiar with him would say that he is a Joker rip off, but he is far from that other than his appearance. FF6 may not be as well known as 7,8,9, or 10, but it deserves recognition. Believe or not, Kefka is actually a better villain than Sephiroth (we know that we will be lynched for such heresy) because unlike old Seph, Kefka actually has a personality AND was successful in breaking the world, something Sephiroth failed to accomplish. He relishes murder so much that he practically lives to do so. He volunteered himself to be the first Magitek Knight which gifted him with incredible power, however since the process had not been perfected yet, his sanity was shattered as a side effect to the point that he wants to destroy existence just for the heck of it, while Sephiroth was told to do so by his schizophrenic voice that he calls his mother. Sure FF6 was not in 3D like FF7 but so what? Graphics don't make a game - would we really want to play a game solely for graphics - there are games that had good graphics out there but had terrible gameplay. FF6 grinding is actually extremely simple compared to its future predecessors and technically Kefka can be beaten at a very low level (apparently, although I would not recommend this at all). When the Empire besieged Cyan's home, Doma, he resorted to poisoning the water supply, killing absolutely everyone except for Cyan... He butchered men, women, children, and yet only Cyan survived. Yet he showed no remorse for any of his actions throughout the game - in fact he was amused by the dying cries of the people of Doma, and until his ascension to godhood, this singular event proved to be his worst case of genocide. Unlike most FF villains, Kefka was not always powerful, in fact his power grew dramatically over the course of the game to the point that he broke the world. When you finally decide to go take the battle to Kefka, and venture through the mess that he calls a tower,  Kefka reveals his goal: in his view, life is meaningless and everything will only end up being destroyed. The heroes deny his claims by citing how, despite the world being in ruin, they have found positive things on which to hold on, such as learning what love is. Kefka finds their examples sickening, comparing them to a "self-help booklet", and decides to destroy everything, even the essence of life itself. The final fight with Kefka might have been inspired by  Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, an epic poem in which Dante travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. In the Divine Comedy, Hell is where Satan is a demon entrapped up to the waist, Purgatory is a place of suffering and spiritual growth, and Heaven is where Dante meets famous saints. This is reflected by Visage in the first tier, Tiger, Magic, Power and Machine in the second tier, and Rest and Lady in the third tier. Rest and Lady are positioned similarly to Michelangelo's Pietà, a sculpture of Jesus lying in Mary's lap after he was crucified. After traversing through Heaven Dante meets God, who explains to him the meaning of life. This is reflected in Kefka, who has become the God of Magic and tells the heroes that life is meaningless. Kefka's God of Magic form bears resemblance to the fallen angel Lucifer, also known as Satan. The similarity was further alluded to with the SNES translation for one of his attacks, Fallen One, one of the names for Lucifer. Humorously, his name means Toothbrush in Slovakian. Overall, Kefka is insane to the point that he scares me a little and is most certainly NOT a Joker rip off, plus he is pretty funny too.
Dr. Evil
Note: This is a really long fight
Please watch this video from

it is of his death in Dissidia

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