Monday, April 1, 2013

Chef Antoine Thomas
Dead Rising 2

Evil Factor: Cannibal, Captures people to use as food
Insanity Factor: Obsessed with getting a 4-star rating, lost his chance because of the outbreak
Powers: Heals by eating human flesh, incredible precision with frying pans, and can also block bullets with said frying pans
Occupation: Chef Boyardee

Description: Among all of the crazies in Dead Rising 2, Chef Boyardee - err I mean Antoine, is among the craziest. For starters he is obsessed with the arrival of a restaurant critic, who never shows up due to the zombie apocalypse in Fortune City, and is even further obsessed with creating the perfect meal: Human flesh, which he plans on creating by killing survivors. He is one of Dead Rising 2's first few optional bosses, but if it is your first time playing or if you aren't at a certain level, please do refrain from approaching the side mission Tastes Like Chicken, otherwise you will get your ass kicked with a frying pan. When the hero Chuck pisses this Chef off, he goes over the edge completely. In the fight you can barely do anything to hurt him, he blocks bullets with that frying pan of his, and melee is rather unfavorable against him, the only time that he is vulnerable is when he goes to that pot of his and starts eating his Cannibals Delight Feast. Personally, I thought that his death was rather painful to watch compared to other Psychopath bosses. Do note that he is in the food court so there is plenty of restoratives in the other restaurants, and there are a few bottles of Wine in his restaurant. The best weapon to use on him is either the Driller (Drill+ Spear), the Knife Glove (Boxing Gloves+ Bowie Knife), or the Defiler (Sledgehammer+ Fire Axe), use whichever you prefer to beat this fat ass.
-Dr. Evil
Poor Chef Boyardee

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