Monday, April 1, 2013

Gnasty Gnorc
Spyro the Dragon
Evil Factor: Pathetically so, Simple, Bully
Insanity Factor: Only if a lack of intelligence counts
Powers: Magic, and incredible running speed despite his short, stubby legs
Occupation: Warlord?

Description: Gnasty Gnorc is like Bowser, in the way that he is highly pathetic. Although he only appeared twice in the original series, he is shown to be an easy foe, having obvious weaknesses, and in the original he is portrayed as a pussy. In the original he petrifies all of the dragons because one of them was making fun of him, however he missed Spyro - according to the one dragon he is a simple creature and is no threat at all. When you finally reach Gnasty Gnorc, he apparently only takes 2 hits to defeat.... all of the other bosses took 3 and much of this fight is just you chasing him or one of his two key keepers. Not only does he run away in fear from you but he also rarely attacks - and that's if you are far enough away from him when he's stopped. The only real way to fail this level is if you don't make it through the gauntlet of receding platforms before they disappear entirely inside the walls thus making it impossible to reach him. In his second appearance in the original series, he actually fights back and is significantly tougher than any of the bosses in the first game, albeit he makes his weak spot quite clear after he smashes the ground and his mace gets stuck, giving you the opportunity to torch his ass (literally). Also in this appearance, he strongly believes that he won the last time that they met - even though he just recently came back to life after being killed in the original, so either he forgot what happened or he is just a dumbass. His army of Gnorcs are actually his creations - he created them by using his magic on Gems which turned them into Gnorcs like him, making Gnasty the original Gnorc in the game since all others were created by him. Trivia: Gnorcs are a crossbreed between an Orc and a Gnome. I only like Gnasty Gnorc because in my childhood my favorite videogames were the first 3 Spyro games and so he should be here as one of the first videogame villains that I have vanquished. I actually expected more from the last boss after seeing a sheep dressed as a scarecrow wielding a scythe, an armored Witch Doctor, a giant robot, and a what-the-fuck-is-that.
-Dr. Evil

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